Can Snakes Cough and Sneeze

Can Snakes Cough and Sneeze?

Snakes can have respiratory problems that can make them cough and sneeze. Here are the real facts that explain signs, symptoms, and treatment for cough in snakes.

Can Snakes Cough and Sneeze? Snakes can sneeze and cough during a respiratory infection. Snakes can respire quickly to exhale moisture, mucus, and other fluids from their sinuses.

6 Main reasons for snakes to cough and sneeze are:

  • Unsettled dust from cleaning his tank or bedding.
  • Respiratory infection\disorder.
  • An Abundance of bacteria\ uncleanliness
  • Stress and poor environment
  • Improper temperature\ humidity
  • Cold weather


Can Snakes Cough and Sneeze?

The most obvious reason is that they do not have a diaphragm. A snake cannot sneeze; the respiratory system of reptiles is different from mammals. On the other hand, mammals can sneeze.

When you see a snake sneezing and making noises like hissing, it means there are severe problems with their respiratory system.

Unsettled dust from cleaning his tank or bedding

The snakes who live in tanks and cages or any closed spaces develop respiratory problems. The dust particles damage the respiratory process that makes them sneeze.

The Abundance of bacteria and unhygienic conditions can cause sneezing. The bacteria can choke their breathing that results in sneezing. These issues are with those snakes that live in enclosed spaces. It also develops respiratory diseases in snakes.


Stress and a poor living environment can also make a snake cough. Many vets believe that poor health issues in reptiles are often due to a poor environment. It leads to stress and other health issues and they can die from stress.

Improper temperature and humidity

There are differences in the temperatures of day and night. The days are often warm, and nights are cold. Temperature affects the snakes badly because it survives on a certain level of temperature.

Improper temperature and humidity can lead to respiratory issues in snakes. So it is essential to use a hydrometer to maintain the ideal temperature.

How do I know if my snake has a respiratory infection?

The Majority of reptiles die every year due to respiratory problems. It includes several types of infections that obstruct their breathing. Two types of respiratory diseases are upper and lower respiratory infections.

They have an incomparable respiratory tract. Most of the snake has only one lung that works properly. While in some snakes, both of the lungs work properly. Respiratory problems transpire in concurrence with stomatitis.

Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are the most common incentives of respiratory infection in snakes. It is because wild snake also eats insects. These insects can carry a variety of bacteria and other infectious diseases.

Signs and Symptoms

Wheezing, sneezing, labored breathing, distant discharges can demonstrate that your snake has an upper respiratory disorder. The infection can be viral, bacterial, or fungal and may develop into a severe illness or even death if left unconditioned.

They often live in one corner, most likely to grasp a respiratory infection. It may reinforce an infection when omnipresent bacteria damage their immune system.

This occurs when they are in stress or not at the right temperature or humidity. There are different type of worms which impede the lungs and develop respiratory disorders.

Snakes can cough in cold weather

Snakes can get cold and fever in winters. They can get a fever and other respiratory problems in cold weather. They are ectothermic (which means they cannot regulate their body temperature like humans; they depend on their environment).

All reptiles are cold-blooded; in winters, they become dormant. Snakes cannot survive in cold weather; that’s why they enter the hibernation period. They need sunlight daily.

Pneumonia in snakes

In pneumonia, the lungs fill up with fluids that can cause severe infection and breathing problems. In this condition, it can experience open mouth breathing and discharge from the nose and mouth.

How to treat respiratory infections in snakes?

Antibiotics are beneficial for treating bacteria. It is good to use only one prescribed antibiotic because there are countless varieties of bacteria and viruses that cause infection.

The intake of vitamins and supplements orally is an instant and beneficial therapy. It is extensively accepted that the ingestion of vitamins improves the power of the immune system. Vitamin A, C, and D can be used in their diet.

Maintain a steady temperature. There is an immense difference between temperatures of day and night. So we should use a hydrometer to ensure the right humidity. Tolerable humidity is essential.

Cleanliness and hygiene are the two most indispensable aspects. They must clean their surrounding with an exclusive disinfectant. 

Infectious stomatitis treatment is usually an amalgamation of antimicrobial therapy for primary infections. If we do not treat this, it will usually reprise. The most commonly used medications are an ophthalmic solution devoid of steroids.

Pneumonia can be treat by various remedies. In this condition, tracheal washes may be significant. Secondly, nebulization therapy may be cooperative in proffering moisture and optimizing mucociliary transport, and amikacin or cefotaxime can be dispatch into the respiratory system.

Aerosol therapy is also practice for the treatment of respiratory disease. Antimicrobial or saline water is put on respiratory surfaces. The Suction of the trachea following aerosol therapy may be beneficial.

 Can snakes die from respiratory infections?

Assumingly we do not treat or take notice of their health. Then the consequences will be severe. Respiratory diseases are fatal and lethal at the same, as it will suffocate the veins in the throat; this respiratory infection can kill your snake.

The respiratory diseases are deadly; they can kill any animal in no time. Sneezing and coughing are signs that they need veterinary treatment immediately.

In this case, if you see him making any noise. In this type of condition, treat your snake as soon as possible because it is an indictment that your snake’s health condition is not good.

By taking medicines and precautions, all kinds of diseases can cure. We should keep an eye on animals and see if there are any signs or symptoms.

They should be treated as soon as possible because many diseases can be transmitted to other animals. Assumingly the negligence of these indicators can be dangerous for the health of snakes.